Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Take a little time to think about it - Abortion is Forever

When you visit here or when you visit our Websites, it should be apparent that we are neither
pro-life nor pro-choice. We believe that a woman has the right to decide whether she wants
to keep her baby or abort. Our mission is to reach out to women and girls who are in Crisis
Pregnancies and show them that there is more than one "choice".

We realize how stressful the situation can be. We also realize that a "too quick" decision
to have an abortion can relieve the stress for now. It can, however, result in a lifetime of
stress, guilt and despair.

If you are in the earliest stage of your pregnancy, there is no hurry to make a decision. Don't
allow anyone to make this decision for you. It is your baby, it is your body, it is your life. All

we ask is for you to visit the Sites that we link to on, and others. Call them and have a totally
anonymous chat with one of their trained, caring counselors. They will not try to convince
you to keep your child or give your child up for adoption. They will answer your questions,
address your fears and confusion, and help you to make the right decision for yourself.
If that decision is to have an abortion, then so be it. As I said, it is your decision. All we
want is for you to take some time, give it lots of thought, examine all possibilities. An
abortion is irrevocable. You can't change your mind later. Millions of woman have had
abortions and feel that it was the right thing for them. That's fine. There are millions of
women, however, who made the decision in haste, and have regretted it every day of
their life.


1 comment:

  1. I also believe in womens' choice to abort, or keep their pregnancy. Recently, my adopted son found a posting and met his birth mom and subsequently a lot of birth family members. His birth mom was adopted herself. Tonight it struck me that if his birth mom's parents had chosen abortion she would not be here. If she had chosen abortion, my 32 year old son recently married would not be here, nor would my 5 month old granddaughter. I thank God everyday that these moms made the choice they did and I am reaping the blessing of their "gifts of life". I applaud them for their ultimate sacrifice.
